Data Protection

You are hereby informed that your personal data will be stored in a digital file property of RBA COLECCIONABLES, S.L. for the purposes of managing your registration or addressing your query and to send you information about our products and services either by postal or electronic means. By submitting your information on registering with or contacting this website, you consent to RBA COLECCIONABLES, S.L. disclosing your personal data to other companies of the RBA Group (a list of which you can consult at in the publishing and audiovisual sectors for the sole purpose of informing you about their products by any medium including electronic supports. If you prefer not to consent to assignment of your data to members of the RBA Group for the above purposes you may express your opposition by the following means: you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition and revoke your consent to receiving electronic commercial information by sending an e-mail to or by writing to RBA COLECCIONABLES, S.L. at the following address: Avenida Diagonal 189, 08018 Barcelona (Spain).

Conditions of use and cookies policy

1) Identity of the owner of the website

RBA COLECCIONABLES, S.L. (hereinafter the Company) is a trading company incorporated under Spanish Law with registered address at Avenida Diagonal, 189, 08018 Barcelona (Spain), and Tax ID number (NIF) A-78.898.350, registered in the Company Registry of Barcelona, Volume 42564, sheet 198, page B-107644, entry 1. You may contact us by calling 0344 472 52 40 or through the following link:

2) User acceptance

These Conditions of Use (hereinafter the Legal Notice) govern access to and use of the website (hereinafter the “Website”) that the Company places at the disposal of Internet users. Access to the same means that you tacitly agree to accept the provisions of this Legal Notice without reservation. The Company may use the Website to offer services that could be subject to certain inherent specific conditions on which you will be informed in each particular case.

3) Access and passwords

In general, prior registration or subscription to the Website is not required for access to and use of the same. Nevertheless, these steps may be required to access and use certain services or contents. User data obtained as a result of registration or subscription are protected by passwords selected by the users themselves. The User hereby undertakes to keep their password in secret and to protect it from misuse by third persons. The User shall notify the Company immediately of any unauthorised use of their account or any breach of the security related to the services of the Website. The Company adopts the technical and organisational measures required to ensure protection of data of a personal nature and to avoid alteration, loss, treatment and/or unauthorised access to the same taking the state of the art, the nature of the data and the risk to which they are exposed in accordance with the currently applicable Spanish legislation on protection of data of a personal nature. The Company declines all responsibility to Users for disclosure of their data of a personal nature to third persons for any reason not directly attributable to the Company, and for any use that may be made of said data by third persons unrelated to the Company.

4) Proper use of the Website

The User hereby undertakes to use the Website in accordance with the following guidelines. First: to use the content and services in compliance with the law, this Legal Notice and the rules of good conduct and public order. Second: the User undertakes not to use the Website, its content or the services provided through the same for illicit purposes, purposes contrary to the contents of this Legal Notice, detrimental to the interests or rights of third parties or in any way that could damage, disable, render inaccessible or impair the Website, its contents or services or prevent normal enjoyment of the same by other users. Third: the User expressly agrees not to destroy, alter, disable or otherwise damage data or programmes and other items found in this Website. Fourth: the User undertakes not to obstruct access by other users by mass consumption of the information technology resources through which the Company provides the service or to commit acts that damage, interrupt or create errors in said systems or services. Fifth: the User undertakes not to enter programmes, viruses, macros, applets, ActiveX controls or any other type of logical device or sequence of characters that cause or may cause any type of alteration in the information technology systems property of the Company or third parties.

5) Third party links

This Legal Notice refers only to the Company’s Website and content and is not applicable to links or websites belonging to third parties that can be accessed through this Website. The destinations of said links are not under the control of the Company, which declines all responsibility for the content of any website or page to which said links may provide access and for links that may be contained in said third-party sites accessed through this Website or for any change or update of said sites or pages. These links are provided exclusively for the user’s information on the existence of other sources of information on specific subjects. The inclusion of a link does not entail approval of the linked website.

6) Intellectual and industrial property

Unless expressly stated to the contrary, all content of the Website is the exclusive property of the Company, including but not limited to the graphic design, source code, logos, texts, graphs, illustrations, photographs and any other item displayed on the Website. All commercial names, brands or distinctive signs of any kind contained in the Website are protected by law. All rights reserved. The Company does not grant the User any kind of licence or permission for personal use of its intellectual property rights or any other right related to the Website or the services provided therein. Therefore the User expressly recognises that reproduction, commercial use, transformation and in general any other form of tampering by any procedure whatsoever with all or part of the content of this Website constitutes infringement of the intellectual and/or industrial property rights of the Company or owner of the aforesaid rights.

7) Social networks

Users can join the profiles that the Company has set up in various social networks. If you decide to follow any of these profiles you implicitly accept the conditions of use and the privacy policy of the respective social network.

8) Protection of data of a personal nature

Users may send their data of a personal nature to the Company by means of the forms included for the purpose on the Website. These forms include a legal text on protection of data of a personal nature that complies with the provisions of Act 15/1999 dated 13 December on protection of data of a personal nature and its implementation regulations approved by Royal Decree 1720/2007 dated 21 December. We strongly recommend that you read the legal texts before providing your personal details.

9) Change to conditions of use

You should read the Legal Notice from time to time since the Company reserves the right to develop or alter it at any time.

10) Applicable Law and jurisdiction

The relationship between the Company and the User shall be governed by Spanish Law and any litigation shall be brought before the law courts with jurisdiction over the judicial district in which the User’s domicile is located. The Company will prosecute any breach of these Conditions and any undue use of the Website by exercise of all civil and criminal proceedings to which it may be entitled in accordance with the law.

11) Cookies Usage policy

You are hereby informed that this Website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files stored on a user's computer to record its activity during connection with the website. They assign a numerical user ID to your browser. Their purpose is to help your browser to work more efficiently, for example by providing access to users with prior registration to the pages, services, promotions or contests reserved exclusively for registered users without having to register on every visit. Cookies are also used to gather statistics on number of visits, traffic and browsing parameters, session time and to control the progress and number of entries. Cookies used by this Website may be either session, persistent or third party cookies. Session cookies are deleted automatically when you exit the Website and close your browser, while persistent cookies remain on your computer for a certain period Own cookies are those installed by the Company, while third party cookies are those installed by service providers contracted for the purpose. The Company will endeavour at all times to set up mechanisms to obtain the consent of users for the installation of cookies that so require. Notwithstanding the above, it should be noted that, in accordance with the law, it is understood that (i) you have consented to accept cookies if you modify your browser settings to disable the restrictions that block cookies and (ii) consent is not required for the installation of cookies that are strictly necessary for the provision of a service explicitly requested by the user (by prior registration). The following are the cookies used on this Website:

Technical cookies

Technical cookies are essential to the operation of a website. For example they manage authentication or maintenance of a session of a user registered on the website. Disabling these cookies could prevent some functions of the Website from working properly.

Analytical cookies

Analytical cookies gather statistical information on the user’s activity on the website. The information harvested enables optimum browser performance and better service for the user. They also ascertain, for example, the number of pages visited, which browser is used, the frequency or return rate of visits and the language selected. You can disable cookies and prevent their activity by configuring your browser not to accept cookies or the exclusion systems provided by analytic tools. The following applications are used to obtain this information:

Social network cookies

Specific tabs have been provided to enable the User to share content of the Website on social networks. Use of these tabs may mean that the social network to which they provide access installs cookies that are not controlled by the Company. Among other things, these cookies may manage the start of the user’s session on the social network, maintain the session or display the counter of the times the content in question has been shared, etc. We recommend that you check the privacy and cookie policy of each social network and adapt the privacy settings on your browser if necessary to limit the tracking functions that cookies can perform and suit these parameters to your own interests.

You can configure your browser to notify you of the arrival of cookies and stop them from being installed on your computer system. However, you should be aware that disabling cookies may also disable some functions of the website. Please consult the instructions and operating manuals of your browser for further information. Users may also employ any of the following means to limit the scope of action of cookies already installed or disable them, depending on the respective browser.